A Uranium target greater than 200sq.km has become the subject of an intensive drill campaign by Perth resources company Impact Minerals.
The target, in Impact's 100 per cent owned Sua Prospect in Botswana, has never been drilled for uranium.
The company said recent soil sampling showed ``strongly elevated uranium-in-soil values which warrant drill testing in many places''.
Impact said it had previously targeted the area as being prospective for uranium deposits hosted by calcrete palaeochannels similar to those that host uranium mineralisation at Yeelirrie in Western Australia and Langer Heinrich in Namibia.
The Sua Prospect is on the western margin of Sua Pan about 170km west of Francistown, Botswana. Impact regards access and infrastructure as ``excellent'' and the prospect is close to a large soda ash plant that operates at Sua Pan.
Impact said in a statement today that it's soil survey at Sua comprised 778 samples taken at 500m intervals along lines 1km apart, and covering an area of about 320sq.km. The samples were analysed for uranium by the MMI-M method at SGS Laboratories in Perth.
The soil results have defined several areas with anomalous uranium-in-soil responses that contain elevated uranium-in-soil values, it said.
``The largest area is close to the western edge of Sua Pan, trends north east to south west and is at least 16km long and 5km wide.
``The second largest area occurs in the central south of the area sampled, trends north west to south east and is up to 10km long and 3km wide.
``Within these two large areas there are at least eight sub-areas that cover about 12sq.km, defined by uranium responses greater than 50 times background and up to 110 times background.
``Follow up field checking and selection of specific areas for drilling in the June 2010 quarter will commence shortly.''
Impact said that these uranium-in-soil results at Sua were significant and supported the high prospectivity for calcrete and playa-lake hosted uranium mineralisation within the company's extensive ground holdings.
The major drill campaign for in the June 2010 quarter will test the uranium-in-soil anomalies at both the Sua and Kodibeleng Prospects, as well as infill drilling at the Lekobolo Prospect where significant uranium results were recently returned from the company's maiden drill program in Botswana.