Published on Tuesday June 27 2011 (AEST)-Australia

Importantly, the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) incorporating the updated resource calculation is expected shortly.

The upgrade represents a 25% increase in Total Resource Estimate. There is also a 7% increase in the Measured and Indicated Resource to 11.2Mlbs U3O8. The Measured and Indicated uranium has increased to 27% of the Total Resource.
The company has achieved this upgrade by the completion of an additional 300 drill holes since the previous upgrade in February 2011.
Gus Simpson, executive chairman, said “we are very pleased with this resource upgrade and the ongoing drill program. It continues to convert areas of mineral potential into further JORC resource and to enhance resource status from Inferred to Indicated and Measured.
The Resource has been calculated by applying a combined constraint of a grade thickness product (GT) of 0.2 contour and 200 parts per million (ppm) U3O8.
The company considers these lower cut offs to be appropriate for both calculating and reporting of in-situ recovery (ISR) resources at the Lance Projects.
Within the Ross Permit Area the combined Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource totals 5.90Mlbs U3O8 at an average grade of 499ppm and an average GT of 0.55.
Since the previous resource estimate, drilling within the permit area has been partly designed to test the resource model by targeting the nose (high grade) portion of the roll front systems.
This drilling campaign has produced an overall increase in grade within the permit area from 478ppm to 498ppm U3O8.
The wider-spaced exploration drilling has resulted in the overall resource grade outside the permit area marginally decreasing, however, at the same time the overall resources have increased significantly.
The Lance project covers an area of over 120 square kilometres within which there is a combined total of at least 305 line kilometres (190 miles) of known stacked roll fronts.
Peninsula said future in-fill drilling will be targeted at the nose (high grade) portion of the roll fronts and a general uplift in grade is anticipated.
Resource conversion and exploration drilling will continue with one rotary mud rig employed in the northern Ross area and a second rig engaged at Barber to identify additional uranium mineralisation in the area and increase the resource inventory at Barber.
On-going drilling will continue to upgrade existing Inferred Resources to Indicated or Measured Status in addition to converting the numerous areas of mineralised potential.
Peninsula controls the majority of the surface and minerals rights in the Oshoto Region and is currently acquiring additional areas that are considered prospective for roll front style uranium mineralisation.
In February Peninsula signed a first sales agreement to supply 1.15 million pounds of uranium oxide over seven years to a Tier 1 power utility in the U.S., representing a significant milestone for the company as it will generate short term cash flows.
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