Saturday, March 16, 2013

Isolation of Uranium Yellowcake from Ore

Published on Saturday March 16 2013 (AEST)
 In this video, uranium is concentrated from its ore through a series of precipitations, which eventually yields a form of Yellowcake, Uranyl Peroxide. 

Please remember to take proper precautions when working with a radioactive heavy metal such as uranium and its salts. Gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask are necessary. For processing, uranium ore is dissolved into hydrochloric acid, oxidized with bleach, precipitated with ammonia, filtered, leached with carbonate, filtered, neutralized with hydrochloric acid, precipitated with hydrogen peroxide, and filtered. The uranium produced by this procedure could in no way be considered weapons-grade or enriched. The enrichment process requires millions of dollars in investment and is impossible for any entity short of a national government to produce. 

This uranium maintains the isotopic ratio found within the earth's crust and is actually less radioactive than the ore from which it was processed due to the absence of more radioactive decay products of uranium, such as radium, protactinium, and other unstable nuclei produced by the spontaneous fission of U238. Though ore chemistry varies by locality, this process is generalized for any uranium on an acid-soluble matrix.

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